all postcodes in NR33 / LOWESTOFT

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR33 7QW 0 52.442591 1.724753
NR33 7QX 0 52.417761 1.721207
NR33 7QY 0 52.418768 1.723513
NR33 7QZ 0 52.416686 1.72219
NR33 7RA 0 52.422001 1.726508
NR33 7RB 1 52.43305 1.717007
NR33 7RD 0 52.415832 1.723604
NR33 7RE 0 52.415417 1.726741
NR33 7RG 0 52.41768 1.726055
NR33 7RH 0 52.416375 1.72465
NR33 7RJ 0 52.415761 1.725025
NR33 7RP 0 52.415153 1.724326
NR33 7RQ 0 52.416861 1.726633
NR33 7RR 0 52.409112 1.725361
NR33 7RS 0 52.412697 1.727179
NR33 7RU 0 52.413343 1.72438
NR33 7RW 2 52.409458 1.726361
NR33 7RX 0 52.414635 1.726195
NR33 7RY 0 52.414285 1.725886
NR33 7RZ 0 52.415176 1.725314