all postcodes in NR33 / LOWESTOFT

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR33 0BP 45 0 52.46889 1.743904
NR33 0BQ 46 2 52.461436 1.73928
NR33 0BS 8 4 52.466586 1.744224
NR33 0BT 9 2 52.46487 1.742473
NR33 0BU 5 0 52.462348 1.740889
NR33 0BW 58 0 52.46926 1.744451
NR33 0BY 78 3 52.465399 1.743652
NR33 0BZ 1 1 52.463548 1.742758
NR33 0DB 52 2 52.463391 1.741744
NR33 0DD 35 0 52.462948 1.742383
NR33 0DE 27 0 52.463867 1.743148
NR33 0DF 50 3 52.460772 1.739504
NR33 0DG 1 1 52.461152 1.741436
NR33 0DJ 10 0 52.462983 1.74271
NR33 0DP 26 4 52.468587 1.745248
NR33 0DQ 40 0 52.461982 1.741933
NR33 0DR 33 10 52.467859 1.744671
NR33 0DS 48 16 52.466594 1.743409
NR33 0DX 47 2 52.465346 1.742219
NR33 0DY 59 4 52.463939 1.740921