all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 9EW 11 0 52.442894 1.567802
NR34 9HA 6 4 52.457821 1.563396
NR34 9HB 6 5 52.457858 1.562549
NR34 9HD 17 13 52.457501 1.562446
NR34 9HE 17 14 52.4579 1.561974
NR34 9HF 3 2 52.457757 1.562614
NR34 9HG 2 1 52.457202 1.562757
NR34 9HH 8 8 52.457051 1.563647
NR34 9HJ 2 1 52.456814 1.563977
NR34 9HL 8 3 52.457025 1.564219
NR34 9HN 47 0 52.445355 1.562864
NR34 9HP 1 1 52.457176 1.56429
NR34 9HQ 7 7 52.457341 1.563273
NR34 9HT 11 0 52.446193 1.573236
NR34 9HU 18 0 52.446499 1.574114
NR34 9HW 24 0 52.4464 1.56311
NR34 9HX 19 0 52.446672 1.572877
NR34 9HY 8 0 52.444129 1.562941
NR34 9JA 40 1 52.450932 1.569115
NR34 9JB 40 0 52.450883 1.570421