all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 7TH 16 13 52.440757 1.600226
NR34 7TL 4 4 52.438864 1.606625
NR34 7TN 4 1 52.432956 1.591809
NR34 7TP 8 0 52.427148 1.596472
NR34 7TQ 15 13 52.438951 1.592485
NR34 7TR 4 0 52.423085 1.590182
NR34 7TS 7 0 52.419698 1.602441
NR34 7TT 5 0 52.415148 1.60507
NR34 7TY 5 2 52.404596 1.604224
NR34 7TU 6 1 52.408673 1.605027
NR34 7TW 3 0 52.427157 1.591146
NR34 7TX 1 0 52.402617 1.607459
NR34 7TZ 5 1 52.402711 1.598776
NR34 7UA 9 0 52.401777 1.616126
NR34 7UB 9 0 52.406506 1.599688
NR34 7UD 1 0 52.407914 1.603377
NR34 7UE 40 1 52.424746 1.629719
NR34 7UF 2 0 52.424943 1.629084
NR34 7UG 13 0 52.425656 1.630824
NR34 7UH 3 0 52.423009 1.623603