all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 8BD 8 1 52.366181 1.606559
NR34 8BE 2 0 52.363035 1.601657
NR34 8BG 8 0 52.375249 1.617366
NR34 8BH 12 2 52.373563 1.60456
NR34 8BJ 2 0 52.374173 1.600977
NR34 8BL 6 0 52.380944 1.620257
NR34 8BN 4 0 52.370898 1.62784
NR34 8BP 7 1 52.369715 1.628287
NR34 8BQ 11 0 52.372439 1.625906
NR34 8BS 5 0 52.371831 1.632032
NR34 8BT 1 0 52.375299 1.600454
NR34 8BW 4 0 52.369669 1.623066
NR34 8DA 25 0 52.408585 1.581017
NR34 8DB 20 0 52.382223 1.56552
NR34 8DD 32 1 52.409741 1.578478
NR34 8DE 19 0 52.402371 1.579099
NR34 8DF 13 0 52.395426 1.576757
NR34 8DG 2 0 52.392349 1.588667
NR34 8DH 15 0 52.408479 1.578596
NR34 8DJ 7 0 52.407437 1.580615