all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 8JP 5 0 52.431532 1.506007
NR34 8JQ 3 3 52.431896 1.47481
NR34 8JR 5 1 52.433997 1.518093
NR34 8JS 4 0 52.444856 1.527335
NR34 8JT 10 1 52.444158 1.526911
NR34 8JU 5 0 52.440207 1.537236
NR34 8JW 6 0 52.445263 1.528162
NR34 8JY 1 0 52.443261 1.532844
NR34 8JZ 5 0 52.440396 1.533819
NR34 8LA 11 0 52.428832 1.544049
NR34 8LB 24 2 52.398402 1.496408
NR34 8LD 9 0 52.430288 1.543769
NR34 8LE 3 0 52.440511 1.542103
NR34 8LF 4 0 52.436201 1.541551
NR34 8LH 8 0 52.399406 1.495914
NR34 8LL 8 0 52.445431 1.554067
NR34 8LN 4 0 52.424918 1.544677
NR34 8LW 7 1 52.422347 1.547015
NR34 8LP 4 0 52.434 1.548953
NR34 8LQ 11 0 52.435896 1.554403