all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 9AQ 8 6 52.457988 1.563899
NR34 9AR 7 0 52.459861 1.562328
NR34 9AS 50 1 52.460425 1.563331
NR34 9AU 31 1 52.462359 1.56331
NR34 9AW 1 1 52.457973 1.563191
NR34 9AY 11 0 52.463327 1.563742
NR34 9AZ 11 0 52.463 1.563848
NR34 9BA 2 0 52.463928 1.5628
NR34 9BB 11 1 52.464163 1.56403
NR34 9BD 4 1 52.463919 1.564301
NR34 9BE 15 2 52.463334 1.56467
NR34 9BF 5 0 52.46333 1.564213
NR34 9BG 13 0 52.463801 1.564413
NR34 9BH 4 4 52.463826 1.565682
NR34 9BJ 33 0 52.463046 1.567882
NR34 9BL 2 1 52.462083 1.570882
NR34 9BN 12 9 52.461477 1.567726
NR34 9BQ 5 0 52.464036 1.564977
NR34 9BT 14 1 52.464154 1.56375
NR34 9BX 2 1 52.461602 1.576969