all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

find any address or company within the NR34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 9LY 12 0 52.457279 1.561177
NR34 9LZ 5 0 52.454826 1.557813
NR34 9NA 21 1 52.456993 1.56139
NR34 9NB 1 1 52.457208 1.562025
NR34 9ND 35 2 52.455504 1.559782
NR34 9NE 33 0 52.455066 1.561484
NR34 9NF 10 0 52.45507 1.558363
NR34 9NG 7 0 52.454459 1.559816
NR34 9NH 32 0 52.452918 1.564093
NR34 9YL 7 0 52.45273 1.564961
NR34 9NJ 8 0 52.452871 1.561189
NR34 9NL 2 0 52.451621 1.562895
NR34 9NN 18 0 52.451059 1.562515
NR34 9NP 14 0 52.452131 1.561277
NR34 9NQ 16 1 52.454149 1.562352
NR34 9NR 14 1 52.453324 1.56018
NR34 9NS 7 1 52.452201 1.559251
NR34 9NT 8 0 52.451199 1.559067
NR34 9NU 32 0 52.450898 1.559793
NR34 9NW 21 0 52.45077 1.561652