all postcodes in NR35 / BUNGAY

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR35 1EX 1 0 52.45467 1.440358
NR35 1EY 10 0 52.455185 1.440589
NR35 1EZ 38 2 52.45303 1.44232
NR35 1HA 1 1 52.453419 1.441953
NR35 1HB 2 0 52.456596 1.437736
NR35 1HD 44 5 52.45698 1.438874
NR35 1HE 56 1 52.458292 1.435719
NR35 1HG 21 0 52.460224 1.432796
NR35 1HH 4 1 52.455547 1.440408
NR35 1HJ 3 0 52.450821 1.443738
NR35 1HL 36 0 52.45145 1.443772
NR35 1HN 18 0 52.451232 1.444771
NR35 1HP 8 0 52.457996 1.43673
NR35 1HQ 24 1 52.449937 1.438899
NR35 1HS 10 0 52.454024 1.444312
NR35 1HT 26 0 52.453324 1.44817
NR35 1HU 12 0 52.453411 1.453922
NR35 1HW 11 0 52.451991 1.44433
NR35 1HX 32 1 52.454612 1.45777
NR35 1HY 10 0 52.453633 1.444164