all postcodes in NR35 / BUNGAY

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR35 2BG 2 0 52.468667 1.335058
NR35 2BH 24 0 52.483851 1.337022
NR35 2BJ 5 0 52.479473 1.338532
NR35 2AY 1 0 52.479544 1.335724
NR35 2BL 35 0 52.476663 1.3339
NR35 2BN 7 0 52.488256 1.331684
NR35 2BP 4 0 52.491901 1.339872
NR35 2BQ 5 0 52.484101 1.344422
NR35 2BT 3 0 52.492536 1.33967
NR35 2BU 1 0 52.489028 1.349447
NR35 2BW 10 0 52.491897 1.334921
NR35 2DA 2 0 52.49057 1.365138
NR35 2DB 24 0 52.483815 1.369882
NR35 2DD 9 1 52.482923 1.37605
NR35 2DE 6 0 52.48882 1.391854
NR35 2DF 6 0 52.481144 1.40293
NR35 2DG 8 1 52.478796 1.397328
NR35 2DH 1 0 52.475991 1.396051
NR35 2DJ 1 0 52.474507 1.406969
NR35 2DL 7 0 52.476462 1.410287