all postcodes in NR35 / BUNGAY

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR35 1DS 2 1 52.458116 1.42877
NR35 1DT 19 4 52.45701 1.435063
NR35 1DW 6 0 52.448876 1.439494
NR35 1DX 13 0 52.457319 1.4331
NR35 1DY 10 0 52.456556 1.432422
NR35 1DZ 18 0 52.457419 1.431396
NR35 1EA 8 1 52.456912 1.433156
NR35 1EB 1 0 52.457536 1.434618
NR35 1ED 1 1 52.457933 1.433648
NR35 1EE 44 7 52.457276 1.436317
NR35 1EF 24 2 52.458274 1.434897
NR35 1EG 3 0 52.456418 1.437491
NR35 1EH 19 3 52.455235 1.438885
NR35 1EJ 33 0 52.454541 1.443881
NR35 1EL 7 1 52.454008 1.439923
NR35 1EN 1 1 52.457157 1.436518
NR35 1EQ 4 0 52.456249 1.438037
NR35 1ES 2 0 52.458194 1.435697
NR35 1ET 45 2 52.454708 1.441726
NR35 1EU 24 1 52.45479 1.443341