all postcodes in NR5 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR5 9HQ 0 52.6334 1.219813
NR5 9HR 0 52.629466 1.218947
NR5 9HU 0 52.62841 1.216771
NR5 9HW 0 52.629065 1.215829
NR5 9HX 0 52.628581 1.218084
NR5 9HY 0 52.630514 1.216452
NR5 9HZ 0 52.631132 1.215566
NR5 9JA 13 52.643937 1.211997
NR5 9JB 8 52.642931 1.209193
NR5 9JD 11 52.642443 1.217328
NR5 9JF 13 52.642439 1.210187
NR5 9JH 10 52.642066 1.212658
NR5 9JL 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR5 9JP 1 52.64394 1.208227
NR5 9JQ 0 52.630675 1.219465
NR5 9JR 9 52.642601 1.21184
NR5 9LA 1 52.639967 1.215757
NR5 9LB 0 52.64009 1.215233
NR5 9LD 0 52.639366 1.218019
NR5 9LE 0 52.63877 1.216807