all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 5DJ 0 52.657367 1.245194
NR6 5DL 0 52.656256 1.245689
NR6 5DP 7 52.652377 1.260204
NR6 5DQ 0 52.668097 1.251404
NR6 5DR 75 52.653247 1.256636
NR6 5DS 26 52.651156 1.255219
NR6 5DT 1 52.653018 1.262086
NR6 5DU 2 52.654488 1.263517
NR6 5EA 0 52.639892 1.247832
NR6 5EB 0 52.638651 1.251722
NR6 5ED 0 52.638835 1.249321
NR6 5EE 0 52.64015 1.248265
NR6 5EF 0 52.641244 1.245759
NR6 5EG 1 52.641589 1.245962
NR6 5EJ 0 52.645906 1.250881
NR6 5EL 0 52.646235 1.251023
NR6 5EN 0 52.644917 1.251137
NR6 5EP 0 52.647373 1.250827
NR6 5ER 0 52.646078 1.25184
NR6 5ES 0 52.642553 1.245901