all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 6EZ 12 52.667203 1.285392
NR6 6GA 0 52.665652 1.289462
NR6 6GB 3 52.665166 1.288804
NR6 6GD 0 52.665917 1.288639
NR6 6GE 0 52.665044 1.288011
NR6 6GF 0 52.665504 1.286359
NR6 6GG 0 52.665291 1.284953
NR6 6GH 0 52.665927 1.283418
NR6 6GJ 0 52.665222 1.283557
NR6 6GL 0 52.665793 1.284369
NR6 6GN 0 52.666052 1.285084
NR6 6GP 0 52.664918 1.28704
NR6 6HD 0 52.664885 1.291475
NR6 6HE 6 52.669685 1.288996
NR6 6HG 6 52.670604 1.29087
NR6 6HH 0 52.664115 1.291344
NR6 6HL 1 52.667884 1.289053
NR6 6HN 1 52.664532 1.283135
NR6 6HP 2 52.670561 1.288491
NR6 6HQ 2 52.671039 1.291678