all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 6RE 2 52.656955 1.280991
NR6 6RF 19 52.655146 1.280731
NR6 6RG 0 52.656704 1.283909
NR6 6RH 7 52.655116 1.287014
NR6 6RZ 0 52.658092 1.280552
NR6 6RL 1 52.657262 1.281954
NR6 6RN 6 52.654926 1.287044
NR6 6RQ 4 52.657238 1.285073
NR6 6RR 1 52.65598 1.281799
NR6 6RU 1 52.655268 1.281228
NR6 6RY 4 52.658942 1.281332
NR6 6SA 1 52.657192 1.283842
NR6 6SE 1 52.657267 1.278849
NR6 6SF 1 52.657039 1.277989
NR6 6SG 0 52.65796 1.277487
NR6 6SH 3 52.657375 1.286311
NR6 6SN 0 52.658256 1.278538
NR6 6SQ 0 52.657957 1.278945
NR6 6SS 1 52.658816 1.282988
NR6 6SU 9 52.658489 1.283073