all postcodes in NR7 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR7 7HG 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7AP 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7JR 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7LD 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7NN 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7NP 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7NQ 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7NR 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7NT 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7NX 1 52.647735 1.32296
NR7 7PG 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7PH 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7LB 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7PZ 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7QA 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7QL 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7QN 1 0 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7QP 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7QR 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 7QS 0 52.64771 1.322937