all postcodes in NR7 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR7 0GR 0 52.627834 1.369037
NR7 0GS 0 52.627178 1.369289
NR7 0GT 0 52.627549 1.366754
NR7 0GU 0 52.627682 1.36581
NR7 0GW 0 52.627239 1.364661
NR7 0GX 0 52.628257 1.365256
NR7 0HA 0 52.629152 1.340006
NR7 0HB 0 52.628269 1.343264
NR7 0HD 0 52.626404 1.341466
NR7 0HE 5 52.625906 1.343121
NR7 0HF 5 52.626193 1.343815
NR7 0HG 0 52.627246 1.344442
NR7 0HH 1 52.626825 1.34376
NR7 0HJ 0 52.629611 1.326265
NR7 0HN 1 52.63646 1.33632
NR7 0HP 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR7 0HR 10 52.630272 1.365507
NR7 0HS 9 52.628992 1.365305
NR7 0HT 5 52.631474 1.366302
NR7 0JA 0 52.638928 1.342244