all postcodes in NR9 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR9 3DR 20 0 52.599164 1.171084
NR9 3DD 13 4 52.597437 1.18084
NR9 3DE 7 0 52.594181 1.177178
NR9 3DF 7 0 52.591838 1.178919
NR9 3DG 20 0 52.594409 1.170992
NR9 3DH 44 0 52.594333 1.172847
NR9 3DJ 30 0 52.59031 1.16512
NR9 3DL 5 3 52.588664 1.168937
NR9 3DN 1 1 52.596924 1.179503
NR9 3DP 34 2 52.599326 1.170416
NR9 3DQ 19 0 52.592416 1.172561
NR9 3DS 24 0 52.596886 1.167833
NR9 3DT 5 0 52.599804 1.173051
NR9 3DU 4 0 52.599621 1.172491
NR9 3DW 1 1 52.592218 1.175249
NR9 3DX 3 0 52.598601 1.171974
NR9 3DY 15 0 52.59848 1.171788
NR9 3DZ 23 0 52.599074 1.168419
NR9 3EA 38 0 52.597356 1.171456
NR9 3EB 48 0 52.595954 1.169405