all postcodes in NR9 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR9 3RF 8 0 52.617946 1.186701
NR9 3FJ 1 0 52.597747 1.167842
NR9 3FN 0 52.597536 1.181172
NR9 3GA 8 0 52.600175 1.176652
NR9 3GL 9 0 52.599461 1.176452
NR9 3FP 0 52.597911 1.183946
NR9 3ND 0 52.598571 1.166049
NR9 3BF 12 0 52.602639 1.167841
NR9 3FQ 15 0 52.603054 1.167457
NR9 3FR 30 0 52.603174 1.166698
NR9 3RG 5 0 52.6317 1.183495
NR9 3PA 0 52.602672 1.168981
NR9 3PQ 0 52.602101 1.168452
NR9 3PS 0 52.602597 1.170423
NR9 3GB 0 52.604957 1.184375
NR9 3GD 0 52.605061 1.185165
NR9 3GE 0 52.605211 1.187274
NR9 3GJ 0 52.605184 1.192294
NR9 3GN 0 52.605442 1.188413
NR9 3PU 15 0 52.616076 1.186261