all postcodes in NR9 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR9 4HN 6 52.58077 0.981625
NR9 4HP 0 52.579038 0.981706
NR9 4HQ 0 52.582445 0.978683
NR9 4HR 0 52.580569 0.982822
NR9 4HS 0 52.580769 0.982408
NR9 4HT 0 52.582759 0.981952
NR9 4HU 0 52.581223 0.981509
NR9 4HW 2 52.580039 0.979952
NR9 4HX 0 52.581344 0.980971
NR9 4HY 0 52.581572 0.982654
NR9 4HZ 0 52.582187 0.983567
NR9 4JA 0 52.581082 0.978886
NR9 4JB 4 52.58146 0.98743
NR9 4JD 0 52.580885 0.99027
NR9 4JE 0 52.582712 0.984149
NR9 4JF 0 52.578695 0.985485
NR9 4JG 0 52.583044 0.990254
NR9 4JH 0 52.580911 0.984617
NR9 4JJ 0 52.579144 0.98587
NR9 4JL 0 52.580403 0.988332