all postcodes in NR9 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR9 3LB 5 1 52.620835 1.203285
NR9 3LD 1 0 52.619526 1.197456
NR9 3LE 8 0 52.621071 1.197879
NR9 3LF 12 0 52.600834 1.18729
NR9 3LG 2 0 52.62507 1.192249
NR9 3LH 5 0 52.624451 1.183583
NR9 3LJ 5 1 52.626431 1.18921
NR9 3LL 39 1 52.630315 1.185153
NR9 3LN 6 0 52.632437 1.183602
NR9 3LP 18 0 52.632375 1.18214
NR9 3LQ 1 0 52.623875 1.18994
NR9 3LR 51 1 52.632278 1.188483
NR9 3LS 31 0 52.634499 1.183175
NR9 3LT 26 0 52.636903 1.182631
NR9 3LU 19 2 52.638944 1.180083
NR9 3LW 8 0 52.634079 1.186411
NR9 3LX 1 0 52.639894 1.186198
NR9 3LY 27 0 52.597596 1.171562
NR9 3LZ 16 4 52.634981 1.196972
NR9 3NA 4 0 52.633258 1.179478