all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 0DX 0 51.537491 -0.13703
NW1 0EA 0 51.539359 -0.137992
NW1 0EB 1 51.539622 -0.137985
NW1 0EE 6 51.540184 -0.138449
NW1 0EG 5 51.538132 -0.137555
NW1 0EH 0 51.540406 -0.138253
NW1 0ER 0 51.534958 -0.137797
NW1 0ES 1 51.53507 -0.137475
NW1 0ET 1 51.535165 -0.137198
NW1 0EU 0 51.535073 -0.138196
NW1 0EX 0 51.535105 -0.137935
NW1 0EY 4 51.535497 -0.138309
NW1 0ND 15 51.538271 -0.14127
NW1 0GS 1 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 0HA 1 51.536808 -0.137621
NW1 0HB 0 51.537172 -0.137289
NW1 0HD 0 51.537135 -0.138372
NW1 0HE 0 51.537217 -0.137864
NW1 0HH 0 51.53731 -0.138653
NW1 0HJ 0 51.537816 -0.138776