all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 1BU 14 51.531811 -0.136066
NW1 1BX 1 51.529943 -0.133417
NW1 1BY 1 51.529868 -0.133218
NW1 1DA 10 51.529376 -0.132806
NW1 1DB 6 51.528568 -0.131758
NW1 1DD 0 51.532862 -0.137162
NW1 1DE 3 51.532548 -0.137019
NW1 1DG 1 51.528294 -0.131524
NW1 1DH 0 51.527723 -0.130668
NW1 1DJ 1 51.527801 -0.131025
NW1 1DL 1 51.531153 -0.134726
NW1 1DN 1 51.532766 -0.131139
NW1 1DP 0 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 1DS 0 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 1DT 1 51.528068 -0.131306
NW1 1EE 2 51.532021 -0.130622
NW1 1EL 0 51.532364 -0.130694
NW1 1EN 0 51.53129 -0.131041
NW1 1EP 0 51.531921 -0.131693
NW1 1ER 0 51.531921 -0.131693