all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 9JG 17 0 51.544178 -0.137349
NW1 9JH 62 1 51.544905 -0.137824
NW1 9JJ 44 3 51.545511 -0.140153
NW1 9JL 13 0 51.545248 -0.140766
NW1 9JN 54 0 51.544824 -0.139529
NW1 9JP 28 0 51.544161 -0.138027
NW1 9JS 18 0 51.543889 -0.139019
NW1 9JU 9 1 51.544097 -0.139097
NW1 9JW 15 0 51.543731 -0.138679
NW1 9JX 25 6 51.544723 -0.139966
NW1 9LG 15 5 51.539674 -0.142003
NW1 9LJ 1 1 51.540518 -0.1408
NW1 9LP 12 0 51.541026 -0.141616
NW1 9LQ 24 2 51.539824 -0.141809
NW1 9LR 60 0 51.541437 -0.139177
NW1 9LS 2 1 51.541978 -0.139114
NW1 9LT 33 5 51.542408 -0.139152
NW1 9LU 35 5 51.543084 -0.139661
NW1 9LZ 41 0 51.544385 -0.14021
NW1 9NA 15 0 51.544142 -0.139658