all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 6BL 12 0 51.589081 -0.191683
NW11 6BN 11 0 51.58853 -0.192643
NW11 6BP 4 0 51.588794 -0.192301
NW11 6BS 24 0 51.588783 -0.193889
NW11 6BT 18 1 51.589182 -0.193357
NW11 6BU 12 0 51.589445 -0.19252
NW11 6BX 37 0 51.589587 -0.193569
NW11 6BY 30 0 51.589387 -0.19463
NW11 6DA 33 0 51.58904 -0.194846
NW11 6DH 11 0 51.587467 -0.191188
NW11 6DJ 18 0 51.587425 -0.189829
NW11 6DL 2 0 51.587633 -0.190243
NW11 6DN 14 0 51.588274 -0.190632
NW11 6DP 10 0 51.588373 -0.190094
NW11 6DR 6 0 51.588704 -0.189345
NW11 6DS 12 0 51.589261 -0.189337
NW11 6DT 28 0 51.58954 -0.189355
NW11 6DU 18 0 51.588445 -0.188937
NW11 6DX 20 0 51.588137 -0.188761
NW11 6DY 6 0 51.588862 -0.18739