all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 7BG 4 0 51.580579 -0.187074
NW11 7BH 2 0 51.579137 -0.18576
NW11 7BN 1 1 51.581085 -0.189186
NW11 7BS 36 0 51.575677 -0.193673
NW11 7BT 21 0 51.57549 -0.194936
NW11 7BU 13 0 51.575221 -0.193215
NW11 7BX 6 0 51.574333 -0.191071
NW11 7BY 31 0 51.573937 -0.191029
NW11 7DA 19 0 51.573518 -0.194162
NW11 7DB 16 0 51.574299 -0.192371
NW11 7DD 11 0 51.574699 -0.192644
NW11 7DE 4 0 51.574386 -0.19332
NW11 7DG 15 0 51.573856 -0.194553
NW11 7DL 25 1 51.574784 -0.190533
NW11 7DN 2 0 51.574766 -0.188633
NW11 7DP 5 0 51.574137 -0.18825
NW11 7DS 5 0 51.57368 -0.188384
NW11 7DT 54 0 51.572911 -0.189193
NW11 7DX 5 0 51.573377 -0.187948
NW11 7DY 4 0 51.573311 -0.187172