all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 0JA 7 0 51.582163 -0.204934
NW11 0JB 8 0 51.584743 -0.206059
NW11 0JD 17 0 51.583979 -0.204693
NW11 0JJ 85 1 51.583994 -0.20886
NW11 0JL 22 0 51.580343 -0.203533
NW11 0JN 31 0 51.580439 -0.206045
NW11 0JP 13 0 51.580096 -0.207945
NW11 0JR 31 0 51.581087 -0.208065
NW11 0JS 61 0 51.583812 -0.207297
NW11 0JT 16 0 51.581763 -0.206999
NW11 0JX 25 0 51.583863 -0.206729
NW11 0JY 7 0 51.580973 -0.206539
NW11 0LA 33 1 51.580689 -0.2044
NW11 0LL 29 0 51.580789 -0.200369
NW11 0LP 22 0 51.580508 -0.200586
NW11 0LR 39 0 51.580103 -0.201969
NW11 0LS 1 1 51.580366 -0.199145
NW11 0LT 3 0 51.579867 -0.204187
NW11 0LU 29 0 51.579765 -0.201608
NW11 0LX 40 0 51.579447 -0.201191