all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 2AA 53 0 51.563608 -0.198065
NW2 2AD 37 7 51.565239 -0.199429
NW2 2AJ 11 0 51.56594 -0.200811
NW2 2AL 36 1 51.566492 -0.200216
NW2 2AP 66 0 51.565482 -0.1979
NW2 2AR 44 0 51.565137 -0.19826
NW2 2AT 14 0 51.56628 -0.199864
NW2 2AU 45 0 51.565079 -0.199792
NW2 2AX 60 0 51.564245 -0.199911
NW2 2BA 15 0 51.563655 -0.199545
NW2 2BD 29 0 51.563735 -0.19868
NW2 2BH 12 0 51.558499 -0.204398
NW2 2BJ 10 0 51.558915 -0.203963
NW2 2BL 20 0 51.559036 -0.202685
NW2 2BN 5 0 51.558153 -0.202547
NW2 2BP 5 0 51.559753 -0.20133
NW2 2BS 10 0 51.558299 -0.200954
NW2 2BT 22 0 51.55754 -0.198344
NW2 2BU 2 0 51.557596 -0.19712
NW2 2BX 16 0 51.557902 -0.196757