all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 3EL 1 51.554739 -0.212764
NW2 3EP 3 51.554163 -0.211954
NW2 3ER 0 51.554356 -0.21125
NW2 3ES 0 51.554143 -0.210855
NW2 3ET 11 51.553577 -0.21144
NW2 3EY 0 51.553521 -0.210764
NW2 3FA 1 51.562151 -0.213498
NW2 3HA 0 51.553758 -0.210365
NW2 3HB 0 51.553361 -0.210265
NW2 3HD 8 51.55285 -0.210386
NW2 3HF 1 51.556222 -0.215072
NW2 3HN 1 51.556047 -0.214848
NW2 3HP 9 51.558 -0.217267
NW2 3HR 1 51.557086 -0.216337
NW2 3HS 3 51.557467 -0.216552
NW2 3HT 7 51.556844 -0.215783
NW2 3HY 12 51.556047 -0.214848
NW2 3JB 1 51.556414 -0.215295
NW2 3JG 7 51.555079 -0.21365
NW2 3JN 1 51.555259 -0.213884