all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 3SG 0 51.552495 -0.205409
NW2 3SH 0 51.55306 -0.204132
NW2 3SJ 0 51.553901 -0.202671
NW2 3SL 0 51.552487 -0.20251
NW2 3SN 0 51.552512 -0.202971
NW2 3SP 0 51.551988 -0.203987
NW2 3SR 0 51.552206 -0.20356
NW2 3SS 0 51.553843 -0.205919
NW2 3ST 0 51.553933 -0.205353
NW2 3TB 0 51.548551 -0.203848
NW2 3TD 0 51.548392 -0.204648
NW2 3TE 0 51.548033 -0.203494
NW2 3TG 0 51.548721 -0.202616
NW2 3TH 0 51.549821 -0.203831
NW2 3TJ 0 51.550167 -0.205429
NW2 3TL 1 51.550415 -0.204611
NW2 3TN 2 51.548911 -0.202118
NW2 3TP 0 51.54793 -0.202055
NW2 3TR 0 51.547614 -0.203164
NW2 3TW 0 51.549894 -0.202887