all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 4BQ 0 51.546474 -0.205646
NW2 4BS 0 51.546332 -0.209315
NW2 4BT 0 51.546631 -0.211813
NW2 4BU 0 51.546045 -0.212312
NW2 4BW 0 51.546474 -0.205646
NW2 4BY 0 51.543989 -0.214267
NW2 4DB 0 51.546148 -0.21299
NW2 4DD 0 51.546882 -0.213379
NW2 4DE 0 51.546652 -0.214758
NW2 4DF 0 51.545298 -0.212832
NW2 4DG 0 51.547083 -0.214742
NW2 4DH 0 51.544483 -0.214219
NW2 4DJ 2 51.54438 -0.214584
NW2 4DQ 0 51.546114 -0.213896
NW2 4DS 0 51.551523 -0.217146
NW2 4DT 0 51.551052 -0.214524
NW2 4DU 0 51.550674 -0.212159
NW2 4DX 0 51.55034 -0.214437
NW2 4DY 0 51.550799 -0.217419
NW2 4EA 1 51.550491 -0.217835