all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 5PA 0 51.54888 -0.237427
NW2 5PB 0 51.548714 -0.237174
NW2 5PD 0 51.549367 -0.236889
NW2 5PE 1 51.549191 -0.236549
NW2 5PG 0 51.549548 -0.235165
NW2 5PH 0 51.548306 -0.233959
NW2 5PJ 7 51.54975 -0.234884
NW2 5PL 0 51.547851 -0.234024
NW2 5PN 2 51.548289 -0.235777
NW2 5PP 0 51.548594 -0.235707
NW2 5PR 0 51.549485 -0.238211
NW2 5PS 0 51.549532 -0.237719
NW2 5PU 4 51.550228 -0.238389
NW2 5PZ 0 51.547892 -0.23448
NW2 5QB 1 51.549852 -0.237461
NW2 5QE 0 51.550133 -0.236229
NW2 5QG 0 51.550145 -0.235839
NW2 5QH 0 51.550598 -0.236235
NW2 5QJ 0 51.550874 -0.238475
NW2 5QN 1 51.550992 -0.216517