all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 6BH 2 51.55508 -0.228171
NW2 6BN 0 51.556471 -0.218452
NW2 6BP 0 51.556471 -0.218452
NW2 6BS 0 51.556471 -0.218452
NW2 6BT 0 51.556471 -0.218452
NW2 6BU 0 51.556471 -0.218452
NW2 6BW 0 51.556471 -0.218452
NW2 6BX 0 51.556132 -0.219076
NW2 6BY 0 51.555167 -0.22084
NW2 6DA 0 51.555122 -0.220236
NW2 6DB 0 51.555997 -0.219827
NW2 6DD 0 51.555283 -0.218369
NW2 6DG 0 51.554733 -0.218289
NW2 6DH 0 51.555562 -0.217795
NW2 6DJ 0 51.556244 -0.217711
NW2 6DL 1 51.556842 -0.216822
NW2 6EN 3 51.566036 -0.22876
NW2 6DP 0 51.556788 -0.216233
NW2 6DQ 0 51.556613 -0.215994
NW2 6DR 0 51.555875 -0.217105