all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 2BH 39 1 51.545475 -0.155165
NW3 2BL 17 5 51.544246 -0.15308
NW3 2BN 8 6 51.544066 -0.153985
NW3 2BP 4 3 51.544149 -0.153733
NW3 2BS 3 0 51.544434 -0.155856
NW3 2BT 35 0 51.544427 -0.154818
NW3 2BU 35 0 51.544427 -0.154818
NW3 2BW 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 2BX 32 0 51.551363 -0.164172
NW3 2BY 16 0 51.551762 -0.163825
NW3 2BZ 16 0 51.551919 -0.162938
NW3 2DA 18 0 51.54536 -0.156439
NW3 2DB 18 0 51.54536 -0.156439
NW3 2DD 18 0 51.54536 -0.156439
NW3 2DE 24 0 51.54536 -0.156439
NW3 2DF 23 0 51.54536 -0.156439
NW3 2DH 26 0 51.545063 -0.155816
NW3 2DN 27 0 51.545063 -0.155816
NW3 2DP 21 0 51.545063 -0.155816
NW3 2DQ 24 0 51.54536 -0.156439