all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 5AA 1 0 51.552144 -0.168685
NW3 5AB 43 0 51.552191 -0.169404
NW3 5AD 7 0 51.551461 -0.169303
NW3 5AE 2 1 51.550989 -0.169989
NW3 5AG 1 0 51.550278 -0.169567
NW3 5AH 16 1 51.549954 -0.170114
NW3 5AJ 9 0 51.549952 -0.171138
NW3 5AL 10 0 51.549802 -0.17171
NW3 5AP 15 1 51.549512 -0.171762
NW3 5AR 49 6 51.549449 -0.171609
NW3 5AS 33 6 51.549573 -0.170883
NW3 5AT 15 0 51.549391 -0.17093
NW3 5AU 61 1 51.547309 -0.173523
NW3 5BA 1 1 51.546898 -0.175443
NW3 5BB 6 3 51.548008 -0.17338
NW3 5BE 19 4 51.548487 -0.172913
NW3 5BG 16 3 51.548661 -0.172953
NW3 5BH 10 0 51.548801 -0.172857
NW3 5BJ 36 6 51.548978 -0.172144
NW3 5BL 17 0 51.549074 -0.172544