all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 5JH 8 0 51.546501 -0.178805
NW3 5JJ 13 11 51.546166 -0.178462
NW3 5JN 1 1 51.546187 -0.178298
NW3 5JP 6 0 51.546052 -0.178275
NW3 5JR 24 0 51.547165 -0.178706
NW3 5JS 1 1 51.547405 -0.179678
NW3 5JU 50 1 51.55014 -0.176294
NW3 5JY 141 1 51.547685 -0.176263
NW3 5LA 1 1 51.545955 -0.176101
NW3 5LB 9 2 51.545585 -0.176393
NW3 5LD 15 0 51.545655 -0.176993
NW3 5LE 4 0 51.545705 -0.177337
NW3 5LF 1 1 51.545705 -0.177337
NW3 5LH 31 0 51.54571 -0.175375
NW3 5LL 46 0 51.545173 -0.174964
NW3 5LS 11 0 51.55234 -0.175543
NW3 5LT 68 0 51.550263 -0.17551
NW3 5LU 16 0 51.549713 -0.17546
NW3 5LX 5 0 51.549399 -0.175502
NW3 5LY 10 0 51.549165 -0.175482