all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 2PS 42 3 51.553941 -0.165151
NW3 2PT 36 12 51.554466 -0.165937
NW3 2PU 34 0 51.554629 -0.166609
NW3 2PY 9 6 51.554957 -0.166293
NW3 2QB 14 11 51.555531 -0.16676
NW3 2QD 1 1 51.555332 -0.165527
NW3 2QE 1 1 51.554658 -0.165583
NW3 2QF 36 1 51.5552 -0.164566
NW3 2QG 1 1 51.553224 -0.165324
NW3 2QJ 56 0 51.553094 -0.161059
NW3 2QN 18 0 51.552996 -0.160529
NW3 2QP 18 0 51.552744 -0.159905
NW3 2QR 2 1 51.552902 -0.158907
NW3 2QS 57 1 51.553177 -0.158892
NW3 2QT 63 2 51.553461 -0.160943
NW3 2QU 6 2 51.553171 -0.163076
NW3 2QX 129 14 51.553792 -0.163079
NW3 2QY 15 2 51.553862 -0.164692
NW3 2RB 40 0 51.554837 -0.164941
NW3 2RD 40 0 51.555011 -0.163997