all postcodes in NW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW4 2LB 0 51.587903 -0.20924
NW4 2LJ 0 51.584402 -0.216148
NW4 2LL 0 51.584782 -0.216306
NW4 2LN 0 51.584926 -0.21337
NW4 2LP 0 51.585286 -0.213356
NW4 2LT 0 51.584952 -0.212113
NW4 2LU 0 51.585142 -0.211965
NW4 2LX 0 51.584573 -0.213532
NW4 2LY 0 51.584213 -0.212954
NW4 2NB 0 51.583389 -0.213145
NW4 2ND 0 51.583553 -0.212356
NW4 2NE 0 51.58371 -0.213836
NW4 2NF 0 51.582156 -0.212757
NW4 2NG 0 51.584602 -0.214509
NW4 2NL 1 51.584093 -0.215308
NW4 2NN 0 51.583639 -0.214489
NW4 2NR 0 51.583307 -0.215122
NW4 2NS 0 51.582968 -0.214461
NW4 2NY 0 51.585732 -0.212544
NW4 2PB 0 51.58247 -0.215069