all postcodes in NW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW4 4TY 8 51.587259 -0.231745
NW4 4UA 0 51.591248 -0.234171
NW4 4UH 0 51.587946 -0.221916
NW4 4UJ 7 51.593088 -0.233684
NW4 4UP 1 51.593285 -0.233633
NW4 4UR 1 51.594426 -0.233253
NW4 4UU 0 51.594587 -0.232554
NW4 4UX 0 51.595138 -0.233113
NW4 4UY 0 51.596429 -0.233103
NW4 4WB 1 51.587946 -0.221916
NW4 4WP 1 51.587946 -0.221916
NW4 4WU 1 51.587946 -0.221916
NW4 4XA 1 51.597948 -0.23303
NW4 4XB 0 51.599422 -0.231774
NW4 4XD 0 51.599761 -0.232209
NW4 4XE 0 51.599729 -0.233076
NW4 4XG 0 51.600453 -0.232803
NW4 4XH 0 51.587895 -0.233074
NW4 4XJ 0 51.588496 -0.23357
NW4 4XL 0 51.588575 -0.234592