all postcodes in NW4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
NW4 1AA051.592278-0.221975
NW4 1AD051.594164-0.220659
NW4 1AE051.594539-0.221092
NW4 1AH051.594522-0.222291
NW4 1AJ051.594893-0.223677
NW4 1AP051.59516-0.224086
NW4 1AQ051.591287-0.212399
NW4 1AR051.593152-0.22389
NW4 1AS051.594558-0.222925
NW4 1BE251.589176-0.221146
NW4 1BJ651.589409-0.221365
NW4 1BN1451.589753-0.220947
NW4 1BP151.589813-0.221306
NW4 1BT051.590361-0.220721
NW4 1BU051.590572-0.220367
NW4 1BX551.589713-0.220083
NW4 1BY051.590148-0.21676
NW4 1BZ051.591064-0.219597
NW4 1DA051.590895-0.213237
NW4 1DB051.590514-0.212978