all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 4AB 1 1 51.553819 -0.152216
NW5 4AG 12 0 51.553022 -0.152984
NW5 4AH 9 0 51.553418 -0.153433
NW5 4AJ 64 0 51.553027 -0.151066
NW5 4AL 32 0 51.553708 -0.150317
NW5 4AN 20 0 51.553442 -0.151135
NW5 4AP 48 0 51.55362 -0.151013
NW5 4AQ 31 0 51.553486 -0.148811
NW5 4AS 42 0 51.553399 -0.15277
NW5 4AT 62 0 51.553275 -0.152498
NW5 4AU 10 0 51.552539 -0.150883
NW5 4AW 42 0 51.554078 -0.149826
NW5 4AX 51 1 51.551599 -0.150013
NW5 4AY 11 1 51.55089 -0.149958
NW5 4BA 83 7 51.54983 -0.148455
NW5 4BB 6 0 51.548985 -0.147927
NW5 4BH 48 1 51.551599 -0.150619
NW5 4BJ 48 0 51.551599 -0.150619
NW5 4BL 14 0 51.552277 -0.15137
NW5 4BN 51 1 51.552197 -0.148575