all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 9AL 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9DG 1 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9DN 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EN 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EP 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EQ 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9ER 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9ES 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9ET 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EU 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EW 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EX 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9EY 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9DY 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9FA 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9FE 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9FH 1 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9FP 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9FY 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 9GA 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726