all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 5AA 0 51.535834 -0.193232
NW6 5AD 2 51.535137 -0.193941
NW6 5AE 2 51.53405 -0.194139
NW6 5AG 0 51.533221 -0.194056
NW6 5AH 1 51.536714 -0.192563
NW6 5AJ 1 51.532429 -0.194592
NW6 5AY 1 51.534424 -0.19336
NW6 5BA 1 51.535515 -0.192913
NW6 5BB 1 51.536467 -0.192284
NW6 5BP 2 51.533548 -0.200099
NW6 5BS 5 51.53346 -0.199035
NW6 5BT 0 51.533767 -0.200292
NW6 5BU 0 51.533366 -0.200539
NW6 5BX 0 51.533366 -0.200539
NW6 5BY 0 51.532948 -0.200844
NW6 5DA 2 51.532792 -0.201268
NW6 5DB 0 51.532398 -0.201903
NW6 5DE 2 51.533288 -0.203108
NW6 5DG 0 51.532987 -0.202241
NW6 5DR 0 51.533846 -0.200794