all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 1BN 8 0 51.550874 -0.194699
NW6 1BP 19 0 51.550254 -0.194103
NW6 1BQ 1 1 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 1BS 15 0 51.550764 -0.194573
NW6 1BU 3 0 51.552701 -0.198853
NW6 1DA 61 0 51.554784 -0.195164
NW6 1DB 28 0 51.554353 -0.195196
NW6 1DD 21 1 51.554909 -0.19451
NW6 1DE 43 0 51.555496 -0.195295
NW6 1DG 42 0 51.555169 -0.195639
NW6 1DH 26 12 51.555441 -0.196379
NW6 1DJ 18 0 51.555718 -0.196267
NW6 1DL 53 0 51.555886 -0.195452
NW6 1DN 6 1 51.556362 -0.196039
NW6 1DP 17 0 51.556855 -0.195948
NW6 1DR 21 8 51.55587 -0.196766
NW6 1DF 50 0 51.555317 -0.197105
NW6 1DS 77 18 51.554654 -0.196626
NW6 1DT 22 2 51.55418 -0.196241
NW6 1DU 7 2 51.553997 -0.196638