all postcodes in NW8 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW8 7LN 1 0 51.536132 -0.163185
NW8 7LP 22 0 51.537071 -0.16058
NW8 7LQ 25 0 51.536055 -0.161717
NW8 7LR 49 1 51.536898 -0.160385
NW8 7LS 1 0 51.536549 -0.159361
NW8 7LT 17 0 51.536497 -0.160056
NW8 7LU 17 0 51.536457 -0.160403
NW8 7LX 16 0 51.536356 -0.160825
NW8 7NE 6 1 51.530805 -0.168143
NW8 7NG 45 7 51.532403 -0.169708
NW8 7NH 26 5 51.532788 -0.170182
NW8 7NJ 34 12 51.533165 -0.170686
NW8 7NL 31 13 51.533596 -0.171231
NW8 7NN 6 1 51.533559 -0.171766
NW8 7NP 24 0 51.533439 -0.171555
NW8 7NR 16 0 51.533027 -0.171096
NW8 7NS 20 0 51.532791 -0.171494
NW8 7NT 32 0 51.532488 -0.171088
NW8 7NU 24 0 51.53277 -0.170746
NW8 7NX 1 1 51.532426 -0.170038