all postcodes in NW8 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW8 8DE 1 1 51.522922 -0.168906
NW8 8DF 35 0 51.523676 -0.168847
NW8 8DG 24 0 51.523282 -0.168401
NW8 8DH 18 0 51.523687 -0.168414
NW8 8DL 24 0 51.521992 -0.171595
NW8 8DN 62 0 51.52169 -0.171218
NW8 8DP 24 0 51.522251 -0.170879
NW8 8DQ 7 0 51.52319 -0.167684
NW8 8DR 6 0 51.522274 -0.171195
NW8 8DS 1 0 51.523149 -0.167326
NW8 8DT 7 7 51.524073 -0.168917
NW8 8EA 16 2 51.525868 -0.172583
NW8 8EB 12 0 51.524933 -0.169146
NW8 8ED 6 4 51.524647 -0.168822
NW8 8EE 11 5 51.52448 -0.168512
NW8 8EG 1 1 51.524736 -0.169323
NW8 8EH 18 2 51.524447 -0.169292
NW8 8EN 24 0 51.524592 -0.16992
NW8 8EP 67 16 51.524058 -0.169711
NW8 8EQ 25 1 51.524782 -0.168817