all postcodes in NW8 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW8 9TU 0 51.53468 -0.17546
NW8 9TX 0 51.535119 -0.176073
NW8 9TY 0 51.535323 -0.175906
NW8 9UG 0 51.527292 -0.17702
NW8 9UJ 0 51.528556 -0.17844
NW8 9UL 0 51.529984 -0.180099
NW8 9UP 0 51.531148 -0.181537
NW8 9UT 2 51.532449 -0.183071
NW8 9UU 0 51.532953 -0.183686
NW8 9UX 0 51.533732 -0.184606
NW8 9UY 0 51.534537 -0.18492
NW8 9WA 0 51.535964 -0.194669
NW8 9XA 0 51.534748 -0.184638
NW8 9XB 0 51.534451 -0.185183
NW8 9XD 0 51.534378 -0.184494
NW8 9XE 0 51.534218 -0.185207
NW8 9XP 1 51.532721 -0.17973
NW8 9XR 0 51.531936 -0.181318
NW8 9XS 0 51.531347 -0.180996
NW8 9XT 0 51.53258 -0.181639