all postcodes in NW9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW9 0BS 0 51.583883 -0.264263
NW9 0BT 9 51.584106 -0.264774
NW9 0BU 0 51.584227 -0.263254
NW9 0BW 0 51.583918 -0.263641
NW9 0BX 0 51.584509 -0.264066
NW9 0BY 3 51.584384 -0.265355
NW9 0DA 1 51.582756 -0.246581
NW9 0DE 0 51.584218 -0.2511
NW9 0DG 0 51.584413 -0.25154
NW9 0DH 0 51.583646 -0.253793
NW9 0DJ 0 51.583897 -0.253711
NW9 0DL 0 51.584642 -0.254216
NW9 0DN 0 51.5848 -0.254571
NW9 0DP 0 51.585259 -0.252201
NW9 0DR 0 51.58555 -0.25242
NW9 0DS 0 51.585686 -0.250697
NW9 0DT 0 51.584994 -0.251937
NW9 0DU 0 51.584551 -0.253556
NW9 0DX 0 51.584227 -0.253539
NW9 0DY 0 51.584695 -0.25176