all postcodes in NW9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW9 9LP 40 0 51.590915 -0.278965
NW9 9LR 40 0 51.590999 -0.278515
NW9 9LS 12 0 51.584101 -0.272352
NW9 9LT 17 0 51.583887 -0.271898
NW9 9LU 39 0 51.584667 -0.272908
NW9 9LY 2 0 51.562864 -0.320854
NW9 9NA 11 0 51.584041 -0.267706
NW9 9NB 32 0 51.583547 -0.26836
NW9 9ND 14 2 51.584316 -0.270482
NW9 9NE 16 0 51.584606 -0.270644
NW9 9NG 10 0 51.58551 -0.273396
NW9 9NH 40 0 51.584915 -0.272653
NW9 9NJ 29 0 51.584231 -0.274469
NW9 9NL 19 0 51.582646 -0.274947
NW9 9NN 6 0 51.584764 -0.274636
NW9 9NP 13 0 51.583806 -0.275524
NW9 9NR 8 0 51.582839 -0.275821
NW9 9NS 36 0 51.581421 -0.27599
NW9 9NT 38 1 51.58107 -0.275974
NW9 9NU 8 0 51.580661 -0.27814