all postcodes in OL1 / OLDHAM

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Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL1 1QN 3 2 53.541538 -2.110585
OL1 1QS 1 1 53.541925 -2.110526
OL1 1QT 1 1 53.541781 -2.110737
OL1 1QU 2 2 53.541671 -2.110463
OL1 1QX 3 2 53.541907 -2.110285
OL1 1RD 14 10 53.541645 -2.109572
OL1 1RT 1 1 53.541063 -2.109211
OL1 1RU 5 3 53.541154 -2.108487
OL1 1RW 1 1 53.540917 -2.11161
OL1 1SA 18 12 53.541558 -2.109077
OL1 1SB 3 1 53.542051 -2.109757
OL1 1SE 3 3 53.542068 -2.109181
OL1 1SG 1 0 53.542046 -2.106301
OL1 1SH 1 0 53.541306 -2.108668
OL1 1SJ 19 4 53.541667 -2.107673
OL1 1SN 1 1 53.542008 -2.108565
OL1 1SP 1 1 53.541747 -2.108413
OL1 1SQ 8 5 53.541486 -2.108609
OL1 1SR 20 10 53.542071 -2.107644
OL1 1ST 17 12 53.542062 -2.10645